Stencils, the Ideal Tool for 
Quick and Easy Creation of 
Great Abstract Paintings!
And boost your creativity to infinity!
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As The Founders Of ClickFunnels, We Were Able To Look Behind The Scenes Of:

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Here's What We've Learned (New Research):

The Single Biggest Secrets To Selling MORE Inside Of Your Funnels

...without driving ANY Extra Traffic!

From: John Beckley
Hossegor, France

Does this ever happen to you? 

You finish a new painting and you find it boring?

You find it too similar to your other paintings?

You feel like something is missing?

Or you know you want to add something else, but you don't know what else to add?
"I know how you feel since I've been there again recently."
But before I tell you my story and give you my solution, let me ask you some quick questions.
  • Do you want to bring something new to your art?
  • More variety in your creations?
  • Stimulate your creativity? 
  • Create beautiful paintings that will make you feel good and proud of yourself?
That's what you want, isn't it?
But something is blocking you.
You feel like you're going around in circles and you feel like you need a new lease on life, but you can't seem to find the solution.
In the next few minutes, I'm going to share with you how a few simple pieces of plastic changed my paintings, giving me that new lease on life I needed and giving me the extra creativity I was looking for, and led me to create a new style of painting.
My name is John Beckley, 
I currently have over 800,000 followers on social media and I have sold over 3300 paintings to date.

But despite all of my success, I am exactly like you!

"I feel the exact same things and encounter the exact same problems."

Like you, as a painter, I am always looking for new ideas that will help me to create beautiful and appealing paintings.

And sometimes, on our journey as artists, we feel the need for change...
Something new...
A new breath. 

If you are drawn to the same type of art that I am, there is a good chance that you are experiencing this same feeling.

So let me tell you my story!

I remember the day that I threw my brush across the room and paint flew everywhere!

I was painting in my studio and I felt a new idea inside me, but it wasn't clear yet.

I just knew it was going to be huge.

But no matter how hard I searched and searched, it wouldn't come.... which was driving me crazy!

You see, I've always loved creating detailed backgrounds for my paintings, in every way possible.
But at one point, I started to feel very limited by the techniques and the tools I had to create detail and different effects in my paintings.

Subconsciously, I wanted to renew my artistic style, to bring something new and fresh, but I didn't know with what, or how.
That's when I decided I needed to make a change.

As I looked at my paintings, I noticed that it was mainly the backgrounds and the details that I needed to focus on.

So I kept experimenting and looking for new techniques.   

I found many new and interesting techniques, which I still use today, but they were still not what I was looking for.
But, little by little I was starting to find my solution.

I used to hand-create patterns with a bit of a weathered or worn look in my backgrounds, that I made with paper, to quickly add detail to my paintings, and the results were really nice.

But cutting the paper is quite difficult, and it was also very time consuming. 

And since I've always preferred to focus on the instinctive and fun side of painting, I rarely did it.

Then one day, while using one of my metal grids to create similar effects, I thought, "Yes, this is the direction to look in!"

I really liked this effect, and I could add it to my paintings in seconds with a brush or spray paint.

And it was always the same.

That's when I decided to combine these 2 ideas by using shapes I had created.

Once again, it was great, but drawing the shapes and cutting them out was very time consuming. The paper wasn't very durable either. 

But I had finally found the idea I was looking for!

Simply stencils!

An even more instinctive way to paint!

And the stencil was the perfect tool to paint more instinctively.

It took me a long time to realize that this was what I needed. 

That this was what I was looking for!
So I started looking for professional, better quality, reusable “plastic” stencils.

But nothing I found really matched what I wanted.
After a lot of searching, I finally found a few stencils that were similar to what I was looking for.

As I started using these stencils, I felt like everything was unlocking and I was able to take my art in a new direction.

To make it evolve.

That is when I started creating more and more patterns of stencils.

Always with the goal of creating variety and new effects.

This allowed me to create more complex backgrounds and paintings, richer in detail, as I like them.

When I started to use these stencils in my videos on Youtube, the success was immediate.

The use of stencils ended up influencing the way I paint.
"I didn't even realize I was creating a new style between abstract painting, Pop Art and Street Art."
After hundreds of messages from my followers on my Youtube videos, I realized that you also wanted to use stencils in your artwork, and that like me, you had a lot of trouble finding them.

That's why I decided to create a stencil kit for you that contains the exact same stencils that I use in my paintings, and in my Youtube videos.

It's a way for me to thank you for following me on my social networks.

But the main goal is for you to be able to use the stencils, integrate them in your paintings, and see the same changes in you and your art that I have seen in me and my art!
Me and my stencil machine
The creation of this kit, containing 32 stencils, took me more than a year and cost me tens of thousands of euros.

Between the purchasing of the professional cutting machine, constructing a room for the machine, creating the stencils with graphic designers and then creating a website.

But it was well worth it because the possibilities are endless, and I'm sure that this is just the beginning of a great creative adventure for you and me!
Stencils allow me to create interesting and more detailed backgrounds much more easily.

All I have to do is choose the pattern I want to apply and let my instincts guide me, and in a few seconds, it's done.

Nothing could be easier!
What used to take me an hour, when I was doing it by hand, is now done in seconds, and the result is even better.

And it wasn't until I started using them that I realized all of the benefits:
  • Stencils increase your creativity, so you have more ideas for your paintings.
  • Stencils allow you to create works even faster, so you can make more money if you sell your paintings.
  • Stencils allow you to create more instinctively, so painting becomes more fun.
  • Stencils allow you to create unique works quickly and easily, so the pleasure of painting is increased tenfold.
These are just a few of the many benefits we get from using stencils in our paintings.
So, let me ask you a question...
Would you like to get my stencil kit?

For less than the cost of a cheap meal for two, you can own everything in this kit.

While it's impossible to list ALL the benefits of my stencil kit, I want to at least show you all the stencils it contains.
kit of 32 stencils
3 Stencils Grid 8"x12"
8 Stencils 6"x6"
18 Stencils 4"x4"
3 Stencils 12"x3"
But that's not all!
In order to help you make the most of this extraordinary tool, in addition to the 32 stencils included in this KIT, you will also have access to receive an my exclusive painting course, dedicated to the use of stencils, in which I take you step by step throughout the creation of this abstract Pop Art painting.
1 hour course where I create with you the actual painting below!
Fully narrated by me and filmed with 4 cameras!
1 video of tips and tricks
And as an added bonus, you'll also receive another “FREE tips and tricks” video in which I show you all of my techniques for creating different effects with stencils to create a maximum of variety. 

"It's not just stencils I'm offering but training and the tools that go with it!"

What the Artists Say 
This Stencil Kit?

"Thanks to the stencil kit, I am bursting with creative energy" - K Lyne
"The stencil kit has helped me deepen my art" - Betty
"The stencil kit is very intuitive and I use it almost every time" - Christelle
"With the stencil kit, you will create wonderful and unique things" - Françou
"Thanks to the stencil kit and the courses that comes with it, I have improved a lot" - Maud
"Thanks to the stencil kit, I have a lot of fun and my imagination has evolved a lot" - Graziella
There! Isn't this great?
The total value of this kit is 292€ because it contains :
  • 3 grids of 8"x12" with a total value of 37€ (12,9€ each)
  • 8 stencils of 6"x6" worth 47€ (5,90€ each)
  • 18 stencils 4"x4"cm worth 87€ (4,90€ each)
  • ​3 stencil strips 12"x3" worth 17€ (5,90€ each)
  • a complete course with commentary worth 67€
  • a video on my stenciling techniques worth 37€
A total value of 292€
- If this stencil kit helps you unlock your creativity, would it be worth it?

- If this stencil kit helps you take your art to the next level, would it be worth it?

- If this stencil kit helps you create more easily and quickly, would it be worth it?

- If this stencil kit helps you paint more instinctively and with more pleasure, would it be worth it?

But I'm not going to ask you for 292€ for this stencil kit plus the accompanying video lessons.

I'm only going to ask you 87€ for this kit and all the bonuses, (a 70% discount). A small investment compared to the huge benefits you will get.

PLUS my "John, you must be crazy!" guarantee.

I guarantee you 100% that you will love this kit or I will give you your money back!

Simply put, you buy this kit, and if you don't like it, you can request a refund up to 30 days. Simply return the unused kit to me and you'll get your money back immediately.

Does that sound fair to you?

Let me show you EVERYTHING you will get when you order My Stencil Kit today!

  • 3 grids of 8"x12" (value 37€)
  • 8 stencils of 6"x6" (value 47€)
  • 18 stencils of 4"x4" (value 87€)
  • 3 stencil strips 12"x3"cm (value 17€)
  • A complete course with commentary (value 67€) 
  • A video on my stenciling techniques (value 37€)


ONLY: 87€

But you have to act now because many of my 800,000 followers have asked me for the stencils I use in my paintings.
Please note, this is a limited time offer, so get your kit now before the offer is over.
Once they're all gone, I won't be able to guarantee that same exclusive rate.
Now, imagine how these stencils will help you unleash your creativity, enhance your style and improve the quality of your art.

Imagine creating great paintings over and over again and feeling that sense of accomplishment every time.

Imagine how you'll feel when you get tons of likes and compliments on your paintings or artwork on Facebook and Instagram or any social network.

Imagine the incredible pride you'll feel when you see your family and friends' reactions to how great your paintings are!
So, if you're excited and motivated by all of this, click the button below right now, and you'll be directed to a secure order form. 

After you make your payment, you'll be taken to a secure members-only area where you can start viewing the classes while you wait for the stencils. Even if it's 2am!
For those who have already placed an order, congratulations! 

You are part of those who “act!”

You are going to enjoy my stencil kit and benefit right away from my knowledge of stencils and Abstract Pop Art painting, and get a head start over other artists.
I designed this Stencil Kit to help you.

I'm sure that this stencil kit and the accompanying courses will quickly find takers among the 800,000 people who follow me.

So now it's up to you to make the decision very quickly.

As for me, the stencils have already had the impact I was hoping for in my art. I continue to move forward and advance my art.

However, without my help, you will ALWAYS work harder than you need to.

I know that sounds a little harsh, but I think you'll agree that it's true.

This is a limited offer, so order yours before they are all gone...

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter, I really hope you love my stencil kit.

Thank you,
John Beckley

Ps: In case you're one of those who, skip to the end of the page, here's what it is:

I'm offering my 32 stencil kit + a special Abstract Pop Art course + a video of tips on how to use the stencils. For the price of 77€. 

This is a unique offer that you will not find anywhere else.

There is no catch... no gimmick... You will NOT sign up for a "trial" for a monthly program or anything like that.

In fact, if you don't like the kit, I'll even refund your shipping costs (once you send me back the unused kit).

So, click the button below to get your stencil kit now. You won't regret it.
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